This is an India series... my thoughts, and experiences I put into my journal - edited, now sharing with you...
There are no photos for this blog. Because I believe the people I saw in Mumbai - right outside the airport - deserve more dignity than what they've been given. I saw naked, homeless people sleeping underneath an overpass. People would walk/drive by like this was normal. Like this was okay. But I saw dirty, broken humanity that the Enemy has tremendously warped. However, in the midst of the sadness, somehow I was able to find God's light and mercy through one of the kids I will never forget.
The little boy is burned into my head, it never leaves me and tears well up every time I think of him. My soul feels uneasy knowing he is out there sleeping on the streets and God knows what has happened to him or what is currently going through. The urge to sweep him up into my arms was almost inevitable... it was awful. Although I never got to talk with him and love him... instead just pass him by because I had somewhere else I was heading and quite honestly... excuse me for my boldness, but I had places to be. I didn't have time for him. I think that is one thing I didn't like about this mission trip to India. We never had time for a lot of people... who may have needed us the most. Don't get me wrong, God did great and awesome things there. People were healed, people were saved, people were loved and cared for... but I often think about that little boy on the side of the road underneath the overpass sleeping naked. And you're telling me there was nothing I could do for him? How about he could have my blanket? My pillow. Heck, just take me entire luggage. True religion is serving and helping the orphan and the widow...

I am guilty of not stopping. I am guilty of not doing anything for him, or anyone underneath that overpass. My heart is heavy for them, but with no action, is my love meaningless? All I know is God is a God of all circumstances. God is Just, Righteous, and Powerful. He is Right, IN CONTROL, and Good. Because seeing this, my heart dropped to the floor and it made me fall in love with Jesus more; these are His people. These aren't "people of India," these are "Children of God." I was reminded that this is exactly the reason Jesus came down to earth, took on a cross and died, and defeated death by rising from the grave. We are royal, we are clean, we are hopeful, and we are beautiful. And because of that I know - in particular - this little boy is a royal heir of the Most High... no one can touch him. No one can touch God's precious children. I just know that everyone is valuable. I pray for this kid everyday. I pray he is safe, and his family is with him and he is not feeling alone. I pray for blessings in his life, and I constantly speak life for this little kid... I pray for his comfort and peace. This little boy is beautiful to me.
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